How to make a vegetable garden

How to make a vegetable garden
How to make a vegetable garden

While sitting in front of our dear old fireplace at dusk one autumn day, with our two girls at my knee, they begged for a story. I told them how the great apple log glowing and crackling before us had once been a small tree, it had grown taller each year until its head was higher than the house and its branches Avere laden with fruit. But it grew too old at last to bear well, so it had to be cut down to make room for younger trees. 

Its work was not done, however. Just now it is giving us warmth and making the room gloAv Avitli light. Then its Avhite ashes will be spread about the rose bushes — and next year they will have become part of the beautiful blossom. 

A look of wonder at the revelation of Nature's perpetuation came into the deep-blue eyes. Longfellow says, "There is no death; what seems so is a transition," and to me this giving, taking and returning by Nature is one of the grandest things in the world. 

He who is near to Nature's heart is very near his Creator. It is the love of all that is outdoors, and Dame Experience's sharp but unforgettable lessons, together with the many things we have learned from books and friends, that have made it possible for us to write this volume. 

May it make warm friends and help others to enjoy their garden more than ever before. It has been our earnest effort to tell the simple, necessary things, leaving the deep and scientific parts to those who make such things their life study. I trust, however, that we have left out no links in the chain of the plants' life history.

Some contents:

While Nature Sleeps and the Firelight Glows
While Nature sleeps — The beginning of a garden — Preparation of the
soil — Fertilisers absolutely necessary — Manure and its protection — Fall digging — Spreading manure — Broadcasting chemical fertilisers — Spring forking..... 3
Garden Architecture Sketching plans around the fireside — Selecting a site — Direction of rows — Placing various varieties, selecting positions — Temporary windbreaks — Sketch L, showing the angle of sun's rays in regard to planting relation to rows — Drawing power of the sun, warping — Sketch H., showing garden without western sun — Sketch IIL, small suburban home plot — Sketch IV., detail plan of the garden — Deterioration of soil — Sowing to legumes — Inoculating the soil — Compost heaps — Topping trees to secure additional sunlight — Enclosing or isolating gardens — Sketch V., Japanese or radial garden — Vegetable flower beds. -23

the book details :
  • Author:  Edith Loring Fullerton
  • Publication date: 1905
  • Company:  New York, Doubleday

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