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The nervous life by G. E. Partridge (1911) PDF ebook

The nervous life by  G. E. Partridge (1911) PDF eBook George Everett Partridge (31 May 1870, Worcester, Massachusetts – November 1953, Baltimore) was…

Religion in evolution - by F. B. Jevons - PDF ebook

Religion in evolution Religion in evolution From preface: These four lectures were delivered in the Vacation Term for Biblical Study at Cambridge, an…

Sociological study of the Bible - PDF book by Louis Wallis

A sociological study of the Bible  This book is an evolutionary study of Christendom, Although it largely takes the form of research into ancient his…

The legends of the Jews - by Louis Ginzberg - PDF books

The Legends of the Jews  The Legends of the Jews - by Louis Ginzberg  The term Rabbinic was applied to the Jewish Literature of post-Biblical times b…

The philosophy of Gassendi - PDF book by George Sidney Brett

The philosophy of Gassendi   Up to the present little attention has been paid to Gassendi. The want of a reliable account of his philosophy has cau…

Human conduct (1918) by Charles C Peters, PDF book

Human conduct (1918) by Charles C Peter Human conduct A textbook in general philosophy and applied psychology for students in high schools, academies…