Hallucinations and Illusions; a study of the fallacies of perception by Edmund Parish

Hallucinations and Illusions
Hallucinations and Illusions

This book originated in an examination, upon which I was recently engaged, of the " International Census of Waking Hallucinations in the Sane." While comparing for this purpose all the works accessible to me on hallucination and fallacious perception in general, I was struck by the fact that the writers, and especially the more modern writers, treat for the most part only of single aspects of the subject, such as fallacies of perception occurring under morbid conditions, or in dreams, throwing at most but a casual glance at related phenomena. The waking hallucinations of healthy persons are more or less completely ignored by them, and this neglect is natural enough if we consider how meagre all the accounts of such phenomena hitherto published.

Some contents

CHAPTER I Introduction I Definition — Universal Fallacies of Perception — Due to Ambiguity of the Stimuli — Arising out of Defects or Pathological States of the Organism — The '' Feeling of Unity " conditioned by "Eccentric Projection" — Psychological Conception of False Perception — Criticism of the Definition that Hallucination is Ideation equalling Sensation in Vividness — Hallucination is Sensory Perception,

CHAPTER II. Fallacious Perception in various Pathological and Physiological States i Esquirol's distinction between Hallucination and Illusion —Fallacies of Perception in the Insane: In Amentia, Dementia, Melancholia, Mania, Folie Circtilaire, Delusional Insanity and Paranoia, General Paralysis — The share of the several Senses in these Delusions, and their effect on the Patient — In Psychoneuroses: Epilepsy, Hysteria — In Ecstasy — In States of Intoxication: Alcohol, Chloroform, Ether, Haschisch, Santonin, Cinchona, Opium, Nitrous Oxide Gas — Specific The action of Narcotics and Personal Reaction — In acute Somatic Diseases — In Dreams — In Hypnosis — Crystal Visions — Dissociation of Consciousness the Common Characteristic of all these States.

CHAPTER III. Waking Hallucinations and the Result of the International Census ... 77 Early Accounts — The International Census — General Results — Sex, Age, Nationality, and State of Health of the Percipients—Their so-called "Waking" State really one of Dissociation— Indications of this in the Narratives— Why such Indications are sometimes wanting— Hallucinations classified according to the Sense affected — The less startling Hallucinations are soon forgotten. The Physiological Process in Fallacious Perception no Early Attempts at Explanation — The Centrifugal Psychic Theories — Objections — The Centrifugal Sensorial Theories — The Conception underlying all Centrifugal Theories— Arguments against this Conception— Centripetal Theories — Identity of the Sensory and Ideational Centres — Theories of Pelman and Kandinsky — False Perception a Phenomenon conditioned by disturbed Association — Meynert — James — Explanation suggested by the Author— Its Advantages— Schematic Presentation of the Physiological Process in False Perception — Various Objections met.

details :
  • Author: Edmund Parish
  • Publication date: 1897
  • Remark interesting book also deals with sleepwalking and other false perceptions 

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