Fourteen weeks in chemistry

Fourteen weeks in chemistry
Fourteen weeks in chemistry 


In the preparation of this little volume, the author lays no claim to originality: he has been on the far humbler task of endeavouring to express, in simple, interesting language, a few of the principles and practical applications of Chemistry. There is a large class of pupils in our schools who can pursue this branch in only a single term, the time assigned to it in most institutions.

 They do not intend to become chemists, nor even professional students. If they wander through a large textbook, they become confused by the multiplicity of strange terms, which they cannot tarry to master, and, as a result, too often only " see men as trees walking." Attempts have been made to reach this class by omitting or disguising the nomenclature; but this robs the science of its mathematical beauty and discipline, while it does not fit the student to read other chemical works or to understand their formulae. 

The author has tried to meet this want by omitting that which is perfectly obvious to the eye — that which everybody knows already — that which could. not be long retained in the memory — and that which is essential only to the chemist. He has not attempted to write a reference book, lest the untrained mind of the learner should become clogged and wearied with a multi-tude of detail. He has sought to make a pleasant study which the pupil can master in a single term, so that all its truths may become to him " household words." Botany, Natural Philosophy, and Physiology are omitted since they are now pursued as separate branches. 

Unusual importance is given to that practical part of chemical knowledge which concerns our everyday life, in the hope of bringing the school room, the kitchen, the farm, and the shop into a closer relationship. 

This work is designed for the instruction of youth, and for their sake, clearness and simplicity have been preferred to recondite accuracy. If to some young man or woman, it becomes the opening door to the grander temple of Nature be- yond, the author will be abundantly repaid for all his toil.

details :
  • Author: Joel Dorman Steele
  • Publication date: 
  • Remark  New York, Chicago [etc.] A. S. Barnes & Company

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