Principles of psychic philosophy - PDF - Charles Newcomb

Principles of psychic philosophy

Principles of psychic philosophy

To those to whom the dawn of spiritual consciousness has come — who are beginning to under- stand that in this present mortal life man has the opportunity of unfolding all the powers and realizing all the privileges of any spiritual plane, I dedicate these pages.
Charles Newcomb

To obtain the best results from the study of this book the author would suggest that two days be given to the careful consideration of each chapter in turn. The awakening of Spiritual Consciousness is the discovery of the real self. It is not so much the technical training of our powers that we need as the simple recognition of their existence.

 We are already in possession of infinite forces but they are useless until we find their true expression. In the propositions here presented it is [vii] not intended to follow the argument to its finality. 

These statements appeal to the spiritual consciousness, and those who enter the path will not miss the goal to which it leads. When the soul has learned to obey its higher self and to command its mor- tal tools, the brain and the body, it can safely trust its own illumination — for it will never fail of guidance at any point of life's experience.

details :
  • Author: Charles Newcomb
  • Publication date: 1908
  • Remark Publisher Boston, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard

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