The Wordbook of Synonyms is a complete dictionary showing the exact comparative meaning of every similar expression in the English language
Abandon, to —leave, forsake, desert,
withdraw from, depart from, retire
from, evacuate; — give up, discontinue, cease, quit; — let go, east off,
repudiate; — relinquish, forego, re¬
sign, yield, cede, renounce, surren¬
der, abdicate.
Abandoned —forsaken, deserted;—
left off, cast away, rejected, lost;—
destitute, abject, forlorn:—wicked,
reprobate, dissolute, profligate, dpraved, flagitious, heinous, criminal,
odious, detestable, corrupt, vicious,
unprincipled, sinful, graceless, vile,
disreputable, incorrigible.
Abandonment —leaving, desertion,
dereliction, renunciation, defection,
Abase, to —lower, humble, humiliate,
degrade, depress, disgrace, reduce,
dishonour, demean, debase, bring low.
Abasement —degradation, humiliation, abjection, degeneracy, debase¬
ment, servility, disgrace, dishonour.
Abash, toconfuse, disconcert, dis¬
compose, confound, sh me, humble,
humiliate, mortify, dishearten.
Abate, to —lessen, diminish, reduce,
decrease, lower, mitigate, remove,
moderate, terminate, suppress;—
decline, subside, relax, slacken.
Abatement —diminution, decrease,
lessening, mitigation, alleviation,
depreciation;—reduction, discount,
the deduction, allowance, and drawback.
Abbey —monastery, cloister, priory,
convent, nunnery.
Abbreviate, to —shorten, condense,
abridge, contract, curtail, reduce,
compress, epitomize.
Abdicate, to —give up, relinquish, resigu, renounce, abandon, surrender,
forego, forsake, quit, vacate, desert.
Aberration —deviation, divergence;
irregularity, eccentricity, anomaly,
abnormity:—derangement of mind,
delusion, "hallucination, dementia,
mania, madness, lunacy, insanity.