Capitalism - The Creator

Capitalism - The Creator
Capitalism - The Creator 

The theses and conclusions in the present work rest upon the original research in quantitative economics which the writer has carried on in the last twenty years, summed up in several hundred original charts, of which a selection of 44 is herein presented. A hundred or more of these charts have been given in various papers in economic and statistical journals, of which a brief bibliography is later appended. 

It is hoped that in a volume to come, a further selection of the charts may be given. To the mind of the writer, it is the cumulative weight of these factual and statistical studies which provides such definite, quantitative proof as the theses contained in this volume may possess. 

It is the weakness of much eco-nomic writing that it does not attempt such factual foundations but relies rather upon the plausibility of theoretical reasoning, more fitting to the domains of metaphysics than to present-day science. The charts afford this advantage: they can be followed and studied without reference to the text, or the conclusions presented. 

They provide a rapid aper^u of the whole theme. On the other hand, by their complete detachment from the text, the reader who does not care for these newer methods of research needs to give them but the most cursory attention. He will find it all in the body of the text. Finally: for the Rapid Reader. The main thesis is set forth in the introductory chapter: 

By Way of a Preface, again, the entire argument is summed up in the eight brief chapters which stand at the close of the volume. There is no further ‘‘required reading.” For a “busy” Age! (As if it differs, in any serious degree, from hundreds of others, somewhere, in the last 5,000 years at the least, as the mounting evidence from the fascinating fields of archaeological discovery so vividly reveals.) 

This volume is not intended as a systematic treatise. It is not written for economists, but for the larger public who take an intelligent interest in the affairs of this world, and the welfare of its peoples. There is a perhaps undue reiteration of the main theses, in order that “he who runs may read,” and comprehend.

Some contents:

I. The Industrial United States 21
11 . Momentum of World Population Growth, 1650-
1930 25
III. Income in 48 Countries and in 48 States . . -35
IV. Growth of World Metal Production .... 41
V. Production of Minerals and Metals in the Four
Leading Countries 51
VI. World Growth of Electric Power .... 57
VII. Growth of Manufactures and of Trade and Pro-
duction 69
VIII. Primary Power, Manufacturing Output, and
Capital Invested 75
IX. National Wealth and Income of the United States 89
X. Wealth, Income, and Value of Manufactures. 95
XI. Growth of Industry 107
XII. Capital, Value Added, and Primary Power. .113
XIII. Capital and Product in Different Industries. .123
XIV. Growth of Textile Manufacturing in the United States. -131
XV. Growth of Iron and Steel Manufactures . . .141
XVI. Growth of the Petroleum Industry . . . .145
XVII. Growth of Railways 155
XVIII. Growth of Electrical Industries in the United States 1 59
XIX. Growth of Automobile Industry in United States 1 69
XX. National Income and Wage and Salary Payments . . . .175

the book details :
  • Author: Carl Snyder
  • Publication date: 1940
  • Company:The Macmillan Company New York

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