Junior English course (in 2 volumes)

Junior English course
Junior English course 

This course in English is prepared to meet the demand for a new and more effective solution of the pressing problems of oral and written speech in junior high schools and to bridge the chasm between the elementary and high schools where junior high schools have not been organized. It follows the most helpful suggestions presented in the Reorganization of English in the Secondary Schools, Bulletin, 1917, No. 2, National Bureau of Education, and the recent investigations of pupils' errors, particularly the study by Professor Charters and Miss Miller, and the more recent one by the Principals' Committee of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. 

The author has had much experience as a teacher and supervisor in elementary schools, as an administrator and teacher in Ben Blewett Junior High, as a teacher in Soldan Senior High, and as a Super¬ visor of English in the Continuation Schools of St. Louis.

 This wide experience gives him such knowledge of the whole field of English as to qualify him for preparing such a course both as to content and method. Most of the material has been carefully tried out in classwork and found successful. 

Almost all the model themes are taken directly from the work of pupils, particularly from the best. It is undoubtedly true that these can be better comprehended and more easily imitated than illustrations from Milton or Addison. In the preparation of this course, the author is guided by two well defined and accepted ideals in present-day education — the project method and the socialized-classroom procedure. 
The projects are not imposed; neither are they outlines nor class exercises labelled projects. They possess all the characteristics of the real project that can be put into a book that is to be used by the children as a text. In spirit, we believe they possess the elements — purposing, planning, executing, and judging — as defined by Dr Kilpatrick, and in scope, they meet the standard as given by Dr Charles A. McMurry. Situations based upon life issues are created through class discussions; out of these a probable life problem springs and provides the stimulant for a project. 

Should some other problem than that given in the text arise, the procedure given in the text provides an excellent type for the unexpected project? Each project offers repeated opportunities for the pupil to exercise his power to purpose, plan, execute and judge. 

The free and natural movement of project work functions in the socialized-classroom method. Plenty of opportunities are given for the socialized recitation through committee work, club organization, voting, programs, etc. The work in the composition is treated under thirty projects — ten for each grade. These projects involve life issues pertaining to civic interests, such as “Conducting a Health Campaign”, “Forming a Civics Club”, etc.; those involving vocational interest, as “Making a Study of an Occupation” etc.; those pertaining to school activities, as “The School Paper ”, etc.; and those that develop pride in good English and correct expression, as “Hold¬ ing a Public Debate.” 

A simple treatment of grammar and good usage is given in the second section of each chapter. A good deal of space is given to the treatment of the sentence as a basis for written composition and good usage, but in order to prevent strained correlation, grammar is not presented as an outgrowth. 

The course contains material that is still alive and helpful. Difficult and unusual constructions have everywhere been omitted since many difficulties in construction arise from an effort to explain idioms of speech according to the rules of formal grammar. This course would pass over such constructions lightly, explaining them merely as idioms.

The plan of this course is intended to be both simple and logical. There are two sections in each chapter — the first presenting the project and the second the practical grammar. There are thirty projects, ten for each grade, and the course is divided into three parts — 

Part One for the seventh grade, Part Two for the eighth, and Part Three for the ninth. The work of each chapter, together with such literary selections as may be chosen for study, should require three or four weeks for completion. If desirable, however, you may expand the work of the projects by having your pupils plan additional exercises. You may even lead your pupils to suggest and undertake new projects similar to those given in the book. 

The suggestions are given under the heading Planning the Work is intended mainly to serve as a guide for the pupils. You should see to it, therefore, that every boy and girl exercises initiative in planning. To secure the best results, make use of the socialized recitation by putting into practice class organization, committee work, programs, debates, voting, etc. Near the end of the work in each grade, there is a reading project designed to take care of the problem of supplementary reading. It need not be deferred to the close of the year, however; you may take it up much earlier if you wish to do so. 

No attempt has been made to treat grammar as an outgrowth of the project, as this would often result in a strained correlation. The work should be taken up in the order given, so as to serve as a foundation for correct speaking and writing.

the book details :
  • Author: Prentice Hoover Deffendall
  • Publication date: 1923
  • Company: Boston, Little, Brown, and company

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