An introduction to bacteriological and enzyme chemistry

An introduction to bacteriological and enzyme chemistry

The subject of bacteriological and enzyme chemistry is becoming year by year of increasing importance. A knowledge of it is now necessary for the scientific conduct of many industrial processes of great magnitude. Apart from its well-known applications in the fermentation industries, a scientific understanding of this branch of chemistry is likely to exercise considerable influence upon the future development of agriculture. 

Recent advances in sanitation, especially the provision of pure water, and the inoffensive disposal of sewage call for the cooperation of the engineer and the biological chemist. The Institute of Chemistry has recognised these requirements in the special examination in biological chemistry, which it has conducted for a number of years past. The author's students have frequently asked him to recommend an elementary book, which should serve as an introduction to the somewhat overwhelming literature of the subject. 

The difficulty of pointing to anyone work that satisfied these requirements led the author to attempt to supply the deficiency. In writing the book he has had in mind, not only the purely chemical student but also members of other professions, with whom he has frequent occasion to co-operate, notably the engineer and medical officer of health, as well as the general reader, to whom the subject offers many attractions. 

On this account certain chapters of the book especially, e.g., those on the principles of organic chemistry, have been written in a more elementary manner than would be called for by the pure chemist. On the other hand, the methods of experiment and research -employed in bacteriological and enzyme chemistry have been illustrated in some detail by typical examples.

 The endeavour has also been made to keep the style interesting and readable, without sacrificing scientific accuracy, How far this object has been attained it will be for the reader to judge. It is impossible for anyone scientific worker to be a specialist in more than, at most, a very few branches of study. 

The author has been fortunate in obtaining valuable assistance in the writing of this book from many of his scientific colleagues. In particular, he would gratefully acknowledge the help which he has received from Professor Adrian Brown of the University of Birmingham, Dr A. Harden of the Lister Institute, Dr E. J. Eussell of the Rothamsted Experimental Station, Dr H. H. Mann, Chemist to the Indian Tea Association, and Mr S. H. Davies, Chemist to Messrs. Rowntree and Co. Other references will be found in the body of the book, or in the short bibliography at the end. The latter, while comprising only important textbooks, and original papers of fundamental interest, will, it is hoped, enable the student to continue his reading, and to follow up the subject in any direction, using the fuller bibliographies in the works cited. In conclusion, it is only right to mention the great assistance the author has received from his wife, who has acted as his amanuensis, and to whom this book is dedicated.

the book details :
  • Author: Gilbert J. Fowler
  • Publication date: 1911
  • Company: London, E. Arnold

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