A history of the ancient world - PDF book by George Stephen Goodspeed

A history of the ancient world 

A history of the ancient world

It is now eight years since my father, Professor Good- speed, wrote "A History of the Ancient World." Had he Hved it would have been his first care to follow the results of historical research and advancing methods of teaching history in secondary schools by frequent revisions of the subject matter of the text. 

Recognizing the growing faith in the book on the part of those who have come to know and teach it. and the value and necessity of a revision at the present time, the family of the author have secured the services of Professors Ferguson and Chadwick to make such changes as the author himself would have considered as adding to the value of the book. It is believed that the book in its present form will perpetuate that spirit of usefulness and the genuine scholarly feeling which characterized the author's life and work.

We have been led to make this revision of the late Professor Goodspeed's " History of the Ancient World " mainly by three considerations: its use of an easy, graceful, yet clean-cut and vigorous, English; its firm grasp of the great main lines of historical development, and its high excellence in respect of type, paper, and illustrations.

 There seemed to us to be no necessity that a textbook should be trivial in style, weak incoherence, or inferior in presswork. Accordingly, we have been careful to preserve in the revision the character of the original. The book remains in essentials the work of Professor Goodspeed.

This volume owes much to a wide variety of helpers. Doubtless, what may be original in it is of least value. Accordingly, the author wishes, first of all, to make a general confession of having drawn upon any stores of pedagogical wisdom and any treasures of scholarship which seemed to contribute to his subject. 

In particular, however, special acknowledgements are due to some who have given personal assistance in the preparation of the book. Professors F. B. Tarbell and Gordon J. Laing, of the University of Chicago, have made helpful suggestions regarding the illustrations. Frances Ada Knox, Assistant in History at the University of Chicago, has given im- portant aid in the preparation of the manuscript and in other ways. The maps, charts, and plans have had the skilful and scholarly attention of Mr Harold H. Nelson, now of the Syrian Protestant College, of Beyrout. 

The book has also profited from the suggestions of a number of teachers in East and West who have read it in whole or in part. Nor should they share of the publishers be forgotten, whose warm interest and generous co-operation have made work with them a pleasure. If the book succeeds in serving the cause of sound historical learning in high schools and academies, their share in making this possible is no small one.


Preliminary Survey i
1. The First Kingdoms in Egypt and Babylonia . . s
2. The Early Babylonian Empire lo
3. Egyptian and Babylonian Culture 14
4. The Egyptian (New) Empire 29
5. The Syrian States 39
6. The Empire of Assyria 48
7. The Median, Chaldean (New Babylonian) and
Lydian Empires 54
8. The Empire of Persia: Its Founding and Organization 57
Preliminary Survey 65
1. The ^gean World and the Beginnings of Greece 70
2. The Middle (Homeric) Age 79
3. The Development of the Constitutional States . . 91
4. Sparta and Athens 109
5. The Greek Empires: Athenian, Spartan, Theban
AND Macedonian 126
6. Alexander THE Great 231
7. The Hellenistic x\ge 24S
8. The Western Greeks: the Transition to Rome. 270

Preliminary Survey 276
1. The Making of Rome 284
2. Rome's Defence against Her Neighbors .... 299
3. The Unification and Organization of Italy . . . 318
4. The Struggle with Carthage for the Western
Mediterranean 343
5. Rome's Conquest of the East 365
6. The Decline of the Roman Republic 375
7. The Roman Empire (Principate) . 425
8. The Later Roman Empire (Despotism) 491
9. The Breaking Up of the Roman Empire and the
End of the Ancient Period 502
Chronological Table 524
1. Oriental History 4
2. Greek History 69
3. Rome — General 283
4. Rome — The Empire 425
5. Rome — Closing Period 502
I. Bibliography for Advanced Students AND Teachers 531
II. Notes on the Illustrations 538
General Index 555


The Ancient East facing 3
Empires of the Ancient Eastern World. following 60
Ancient Greece following 66
Centres of Mycen^an Civilization .... facing 77
Colonies of Phoenicia and Greece . . . ' . facing 89
Lands of the .'Egean following 128
Athens facing 147
Athenian Empire at Its Height facing 171
Greece AT THE Time OF the Peloponnesian War facing 180
Alexander's Empire and Kingdoms of His Successors ' . . . following 234
Ancient Italy following 278
The Punic Wars facing 343
Italy in 218 b.c facing 350
Gaul at the Time of Caesar facing 412
The Roman State at Successive Periods of Its Development to 44 B.c following 424
The Roman Empire in the Time of Augustus following 434
The City of Rome following 460
The Mediterranean World . . . .* . . following 476
The Roman Empire Under Diocletian . . . facing 493
The Barbarian Kingdoms faced 505
The Roman Empire Under Justinian .... facing 509
Europe about a.d. 800 facing 517

Maps, Plans, and Charts
The Battle of Salamis 137
The World According to Herodotus 157
Pylos and Sphacteria 181
The Hellespont, Propontis and Bosporus . . . . 197
The Battle of Leuctra 209
The Battle of Issus 235
Alexandria at the Time of Christ 237
The World According to Eratosthenes, 235 b.c. . . 241
The Earliest Peoples of Italy 281
Early Rome 286
The Environs of Rome 301
The Battle of Cannae 351
Carthage 371
The Battle of Pharsalus 416
The World According to Ptolemy, a.d. 150 . . . . 463
The Ancient Oriental Empires facing 57

the book details :
  • Author: George Stephen Goodspeed
  • Reviser: William Scott  Ferguson
  • Illustrator:  Stillman Percy Robert Chadwick
  • Publication date 1912
  • Company: New York : C. Scribner's sons

  • Download 29.4 MB - Contains 40 illustrations and maps

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