Marketing problems 

Marketing problems

The purpose of this book is to provide concrete problems in marketing for use in instruction. Many of the problems stated here already have been used in the class work in Marketing in the Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, and it is for this class that the book primarily is published. 

The subject of Marketing, as a field of scientific study and instruction, is in its early stages of development. Consequently, the treatment of topics taken up in this book is far from perfect. This is to be considered a preliminary stage in the systematic development of the subject by the problem method of instruction. Further study and experience will doubtless show many opportunities for improvement and refinement. 

The problems are selected to illustrate specific points, to be developed by analysis and discussion. Although frequently the identity of the individual company or establishment is disguised, the cases are based upon actual business experience. 

The problems are in the form in which they come before businessmen. I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to my former colleague, Mr Paul T. Cherington, with whom it was my pleasure to discuss several of these problems during the years that we were both engaged in teach- ing this subject. To Dr Edwin F. Gay, former Dean of the Harvard Business School, I owe a deep debt of gratitude for the constant encouragement and inspiration that he gave me in the study of Marketing. The actual completion of this undertaking has been due in large measure to the friendly interest and enthusiastic encouragement of Dean Wallace B. Donham.


I. Introduction — Marketing Methods and Policies 1
II. Conditions Determining Demand 25
III. Retail Trade 41
IV. Wholesale Trade 85
V. Methods of Marketing Materials, Equipment AND Supplies for Wholesale
Consumption l47
VI. Sales Management 213
VII. Brands, Trade-marks, and Advertising . . 263
VIII. Price Policies 297
Bibliography 355
Index 359 

the book details :
  • Author:  Melvin Thomas Copeland
  • Publication date: 1920
  • Company: A. W. Shaw company

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