A cowboy detective

A cowboy detective
A cowboy detective

A true story of twenty-two years with a world-famous detective agency: giving the inside facts of the bloody Coeur d'Alene labour riots, and the many ups and downs of the author throughout the United States, Alaska, British Columbia and Old Mexico, also exciting scenes among the moonshiners of Kentucky and Virginia

From introduction:
This story of twenty years of active service as a detective, an autobiography of many thrilling adventures, on mountain and plain, among moonshiners, cattle thieves, tramps, dynamiters and other strong-arm men, has been delayed for a long time in coming from the press. The delay was due to the protests of the author's former employers. 

These protests were undoubtedly rightful, but it was considered in the beginning that no harm could come therefrom, for the reason that the identity of persons involved was not disclosed except in reference to past facts, matters that were done and over with. 

Now, this difficulty has been overcome and the objections removed by the use of fictitious names in many places. But the story in no wise loses its interest, and it is believed the reader will find in the volume much with which to entertain himself.

 The author is not a literary man but has written as he speaks, and it is thought that the simplicity thus resulting will not detract from the substantial merit of the tales, which are recitals of facts and not of fiction.

Some contents:

The Anarchist Riot in Chicago — My First Work for the Dickenson Agency— In Jail for Slugging a Slugger 11
Archuleta County Uprising — Rope Secured to Hang Me — Running Down a Wells-Fargo Robber in Old Mexico— We Capture the Noted Bassick Mine 25

To White River as an Outlaw — The Ute Indian War — Riding and Roping Under Name of "Dull Knife" at Denver Cowboy Tournament — Off for Wyoming as an Outlaw.. 44
In Jail With Denver & Rio Grande Hold-Ups — Aspen Ore- Stealing Case — Testing Railroad Conductors — The Mudsill Mine-Salting Case — In Longmont as a Bronco- Buster— In the Bull-Pen with Hobos 66
Two Wealthy Mine-Owners of Tuscarora, Nevada, Blown up with Dynamite — A Confession Secured After Nine Months of Strenuous Life in Nevada and Indian Territory 91

The shooting of Ancheta — I Join the "White Caps" of New Mexico — Taken Down with Smallpox and Given up to Die 114

The Bloody Coeur D'Alene Strike — I Become Recording Secretary of the Union — During the Riot I Sawed a Hole in the Floor to Escape From Blood-Thirsty Dynamiters ... 135


United States Troops Fill the "Bull-Pen" with Miners' Union Dynamiters — My Evidence Convicts Eighteen of the Union Leaders 172

the book details :
  • Author: Charles A. Siringo
  • Publication date:1912
  • Company: Chicago: W.B. Conkey

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