Myth and guilt

Myth and guilt

IT IS difficult to describe what impression Freud's Totem and Taboo made upon us, his Vienna circle. I still vividly remember the meeting of our Analytic Association in 1913 in which Freud presented to us the last and most important part of the work about the return of totemism in childhood. We were enthusiastic and we immediately under- stood that there was an intellectual challenge for generations of psychologists and historians of civilization. Privileged to speak with the author of the great book, we discussed with him the overflow of ideas it had stimulated in most of us. In the following month Otto Rank, Hanns Sachs, and I — they called us the psychoanalytic trio in Berlin — often talked until early morning about plans for future research work each of us hoped to do. We were friends and helped each other wherever we could. There was no petty jealousy, no quarrel about the priority of ideas, no fear of plagiarism that sometimes disgraced the discussions of psychoanalysts later on.


PART one: The Most Important Problem in the 
Evolution of Culture 1 
 I The Little Science Knows of Conscience 3 
II  Origin and Nature of Guilt Feeling 18 
III There Is a World Sense of Guilt 34 
IV Myths and Memories 46 
V Never Remembered, Yet Not Forgotten 59 
VI It Is Still a Mystery to Me 80 
PART two: The Crime 87 
VII The Interpretations 89 
VIII Text and Context 103 
IX Criminal Investigation 117 
X The Leading Clue 130 
XI The Fagade and the Inside Story 143 
XII Prehistoric Reality in the Myth 148 
XIII The Man Without a Past 156 
XIV, You Are Whom You Eat 168 
XV The Answers of Science and Religion 181 
XVI The Breakthrough of Memories 190 
XVII The Emergence of Guilt-Feeling 207 
XVIII The Tension Before Christ 218 
PART three: The Punishment 
XIX Toward Repeat Performance 233 
XX The Christ-Myth and the Historic Christ 243 
XXI To Let the Punishment Fit the Crime 259 
XXII We Let Something Slip 269 
XXIII The Cross and the Tree 280 
XXIV Unconscious Meaning of Crucifixion 290 
XXV The First and the Second Adam 305 
XXVI The Sexual Re-interpretation 318 
PART four: Man, the Moral Climber 337 
XXVII The Apostle of the Gentiles 339 
XXVIII Dying Another Man's Death 350 
XXIX The Invisible God 362 
XXX The Splendid Isolation of the Jews 378 
XXXI How Odd of the Jews 391 
XXXII Hubris 399 
XXXIII Man, the Moral Climber 416 

Publication date:  1957
Author: Theodor Reik was a psychoanalyst who trained as one of Freud's first students in Vienna, Austria, and pioneered lay analysis in the United States.


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