The fighting man of Japan: the training and exercises of the Samurai 

The author of the following brochure is an old soldier, who has been in for many years resident in Japan. while acting in that country as an instructor in some of the leading colleges, both military and civilian, he has had what are, perhaps, unrivalled opportunities of making a thorough and systematic study of the two " noble sciences " of jiujitsu. The author is, so far as he is aware, the first Occidental who has gone at all deeply into these two branches of Jaj^anese education.
The benefit he has derived from their pursuit has led him to the conviction that much advantage might accrue to his native country from the introduction of exercises so admirably calculated to improve the physique and also the morale of its youth and manhood. 

The favourite games of young England are necessarily restricted in practice to the few, owing to the expensive nature of the requisite appliances, the time-expenditure involved, and the cost of preparing the ground. The majority can enjoy them only in the ranger of spectators. Lookers on, it is said, see most of the game, but neither yy/or«Zr nor physique are thereby greatly benefited, and looking on is apt to degenerate into a dull pastime unless relieved by betting. No such costly appliances are required in connection with these Japanese exercises, in which all can participate, without risk or danger to life, purse, or limb, but with great benefit both to body and spirit.

The following brief notes on the historical and practical side of jujutsu and Jicnjatsu make no pretence to being exhaustive, having been written rapidly with the express object of illustrating the general ideas and aims of the Japanese school.

The author was unexpectedly summoned to assist the members of this school in giving a public demonstration of the art of jujutsu in Great Britain. The time placed at his disposal for writing and issuing the following brochure was limited, and he claims the indulgence of its readers both on that score and in consideration of the fact that the ground he has covered has hitherto been practically untrodden.


Commencement of Japanese military history -- The education of the Japanese military and naval officers -- "Kenjutsu," or, Japanese fencing -- Japanese wrestling: Sumo and jujutsu -- Jujutsu

  • Publication date:1905
  • Company:London : Archibald Constable & Co

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