The human harvest - David Starr Jordan

 The human harvest  study of the decay of races through the survival of the unfit 

The human harvest

This little book contains the substance of two essays on the same subject, the one originally delivered at Stanford University, and reprinted by the American Unitarian Association with the title of " The Blood of the Nation" the other read at Philadelphia in 1906, at the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin, with the title, " The Human Harvest" This was printed in the Proceedings of the American philosophical society.

How long will the Republic endure? So long as the ideas of its founders remain dominant. How long will these ideas remain dominant? Just so long as the blood of its founders remains dominant in the blood of its people. Not the blood of Puritans and Virginians alone ^ the original creators of free states^ but the blood of free-born men be they Greeky  Roman Franks Saxony Normany Danny Celty Scotty Goth or Samurai. It is a free stock that creates a free nation

Author:  David Starr Jordan 
Publication Date:1907