An introduction to the Korean spoken language

An introduction to the Korean spoken language

From introduction:

It was hardly expected when this volume saw the light of day in 1889 that so many years would pass before it was supplemented by something more elaborate and better and it is only the fact that nothing else has been prepared to take its place and that the author has been so beseeched for a new edition that has led us to issue this second edition.

We have sought advice and help and suggestions for changes on every hand and regret very much that the press of work has hindered others from giving us the assistance that would have made this book of much more value to the student of Korean. In the present edition, the author is glad to say that he has had the assistance of his son who went over the revision of the book with the enthusiasm of a new language student.

We regret that more changes have not been made because we feel that the imperfections of the book would have warranted a more thorough revision of the book, but a careful review of all the parts with the assistance of some of the best Korean scholars available did not result in more than what is seen in this new edition. There are one or two appendices that have been added which will contribute not a little to the study of the language The use of the book we believe will be very much enhanced by the alphabetical indices; one, a general index in English and the other an index of grammatical forms in Korean.

Some contents:

Some contents:
Introductory remarks on the study of Korean.
1, Difficulties souring the study. — 2, A Korean teacher. — 3, “ Put yourself in his place.” — 4, Approach the study from two sides. — 5, Use of this book. — 6, Korean written language. — 7, Necessity for the study of Chinese. — 8, Ernmun and Chinese rarely if ever mixed. — 9, Pronunciation. — 10, Errors of foreigners. — 11, arrangement of chapters. — 12, Honorifics Page 1, — 8.

The Korean alphabet and its Sounds.
13, An alphabet. — 14, The letters. — 15. — 22, Vowel sounds. — 23,-27, Diphthongs and triphthongs. — 28, The consonants. — 29, The part euphony plays. — 30, — 38, Simple consonantal sounds. — 39, Aspirated consonants. — 40, Names of simple consonants. — 41, Necessity of practice. Page 9,-22.

The Noun.
4:2, Korean noun  — 43, Distinctions of number, subject, object not made. — 44, Postpositions. — 45, Methods of expressing gender. — 46, Ambiguit}^ in regard to number. — 47, How it may be expressed. — 48, Reduplication of words. — 49, These methods are little used. — 50, In some cases distinct words are used.— 51, Compound nouns and the use of a knowledge of Chinese. — 52, Uses of - e etc. — 53, Verbal nouns. — 54, Surnames. — 55, given names, their \anety. — 56, Korean titles. — 57, No names for women. — 58, The wrong and proper use of the term Page 23—38.

Pronouns and Pronominal adjectives.
59, All pronouns ready nouns. — 60, Personal Pronoiuis of the first per-
son. — 61, The second person. — 62, Personal pronouns and postpositions
united, — 63, No third personal pronoun in Korean. — 64, Pronouns not
much used by Koreans — 65, Reflexive pronouns. — 66, All Korean indefinite. — 67, and used adjectively.
— 68, Indefinites made more indefinite. — 69, Use of. — 70, Other
indefinite pronouns. — 71, Demonstrative pronouns. — 72, Words derived
from these. — 73, The relatives and Pages 39 — 52.

The Numeral.
74, Two sets of numerals. Adjective and substantive forms. — 75, Sinico- Korean numerals have only an adjective form. — 76, List of numerals. — 77, Specific classifiers. — 78, Examples of their use. — 79, Korean money. — 80, Foreign money how designated. — 81, Ordinal numbers. — 82, The Korean months of the year. — 83, Daj-s of the month. — 84, Used also for ordinals. — 85, Hours of the day — Korean and foreign. — 86, Fractions. — 87, multiples. — 88, Interest on money. — 89,. — 90, Measures of length and distance. — 91, Weights and grain-measures. — 92, Pages 53 — 71.

Author: Horace Grant Underwood
 Publication Date:1914

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