Italian-English & English-Italian Naval dictionary

Italian-English & English-Italian Naval dictionary

This vocabulary has been compiled with the hope that it will be found useful to Officers, Engineers of ships and to those interested in the Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering industries who may require, in connection with their work, some knowledge of the Italian technical terms used in shipping, and especially to those who may not be conversant with the Italian language.

II presente vocabolario destinato agli ufficiali di marina e ai tecnici navali, come del resto a chiunque s'interessi di costruzione e di Industrie navali. In esso si trova raccolta tutta la speciale terminologia navale, nel senso piu lato della parola : confido quindi che riescird utile e gradito ai non pochi naviganti e tecnici italiani che studiano I'inglese e che la loro professione porta inevitabilmente a frequente contatto col mondo di lingua inglese.

Rights: National Library of Scotland holds full rights to this digital resource and agrees to license the resource under the Creative Commons License: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 UK: Scotland
  • Author: William Thomas Davis 
  •  Publication Date: 1921
  • Company: London, Pitman

  • Download Italian-English - English-Italian Naval dictionary - 11.8 MB

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