More dangerous thoughts 

More dangerous thoughts

From the introduction:

Any preface or literary foreword to Mike Quin's (( More Dangerous Thoughts," or any other book that he chooses to write from now on unless he changes greatly can only, from the humanitarian point of view, be, by me, an endorsement of his ideas in toto a eulogy of himself. 

For here is a man, and in addition, a humanitarian artist, who sees life not from the class but the mass point of view. Affectionately and wisely, he sees the truth as to life's social processes the rich dominating and, more often than not, ill-treating the poor; the strong, the weak, etc., etc. More, he sees, and with such understanding and intense sympathy, the sufferings of the many as opposed to the swill- mg and indifferent satisfactions of the few. 

He understands the common labourer, the ditch digger, the hewer of wood and the drawer of water, and, like the man Christ is supposed to have been, he says, in current American words: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is a just claim to a better social state a just and equitable one and that that state is coming. 

Day after day I read his column in The People's World, and there I find him walking by the side of the moneyless, the homeless the ignorant and not always honest, but toiling labourer, and saying to them as Christ said: "Be of good cheer, for you are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? 

It is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden under the feet of men," And don't think I am thinking of Christ as the son of God although truly whoever thinks as he did should be, and is closely related to Universal Equity if there is any such thing. Rather I am thinking of him as a common man, possibly like Mike Quin who sympathizes deeply with his fellow men and hates iniquity. 

For day after day, he writes of and for the common man as against the grafters and fools and the greedy money swine of the world. And he says of the poor and ignorant and oppressed, over and over, see how little they have, how little it takes to make them happy, how patiently they work, and how they are fought and beaten and tortured because they seek to pin together in unions to protect themselves. And because of this I daily admire and respect him. And I truly and deeply wish that all, everywhere might see and read what he has to say.
- Theodore Dreiser 

Introduction by Theodore Dreiser 7
After the War Is Over 9
Mickey, The Belfast Terror 13
La Belle France 17
The Big Parade 19
Landladies 20
The Remarkable Bomb 23
Honest Abe 26
The Mugity Wumpus 29
Waiting 33
The Patriotic Thing 36
The Diaper Brigade 39
The Man They Couldn't Draft 41
Investigation 44
The Subversive Element 45
A Glass of Claret 48
Lovely Jeanette 51
The Quiet Brothers 55
Joe and Marie 58
Ready to Wear 65
A Simple Little Snack 69
Who Will Change the World? 73
Zeke the Discreet 74
The Tremendous Thing 77
Snouty Goggles 80
Scenario Clip Service I 83
Scenario Clip Service II 85
Lenin Was a Nice Guy 88
The Glorious Fourth 91
The Technique of Democracy 93
Dreiser Tells 'Em 97
Blessed Are the Poor 100
Willy and the Bombs 103
Mister Jones 107
Sugar 109
Three Per Cent Own All the Wealth Ill
How To Entertain Guests 112
The Insidious 'Ism 115
Bums 118
The Locomotive 120
We Know Enough 123
How To Make A Fortune 125
Ladies and Lugs 130
The Alien Bombalian 133
On Black Eyes 137
Going Down 140
On Private Property 143
Asininity 146
jimmy Feathers 149
The Family and Socialism 153
J. B. McNamara 156

Review by: Robert B. Livingston - 
Who says gold can't still be discovered in San Francisco? Discovering this book for myself was like discovering gold. I found it on a shelf yesterday at the remarkable Prelinger Library here in San Francisco and had to finish reading it online at home.

the book details :
  • Author: Mike Quin was the pen name of an American writer, born Paul William Ryan. Ryan wrote under the name, Mike Quin, for his newspaper writing and his early novels. Later in his career, he wrote pulp fiction under another pseudonym, Robert Finnegan. He died on August 14, 1947, and was buried in San Francisco, California.
  • Publication date:1941
  • Company: San Francisco, People's world

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