Chiropractor Know Thyself

Chiropractor Know Thyself

The good doctor said, “Gee! I wish I had had that book twenty years ago. It would have prevented many costly mistakes.” 

This book is dedicated to Humanity Helpers, to Chiropractors. While the contents have been compiled and arranged by a single individual, we have had numerous commendatory encomiums from many Chiropractors from every part of our country, proving that want of such an essay was felt by many members of the profession. 

Grateful for this result and having implicit confidence in it ourselves we recommend it heartily to our professional brethren, sincerely trusting that this text may aid in advancing the general interest of the profession and the welfare of its members.

 As far as we are aware no such text has as yet been placed in the offices of our profession. For this reason, we believe that an essay on personal questions in everyday office practice plus self-examination, combined into one harmonious whole, would be of decided benefit to numerous members of the profession. 

Within a limited space, will give the reader a vast amount of most valuable knowledge, questions and answers, words and meanings that might be used in office conversation by the most cultured people. Many Chiropractors may develop an excellent adjusting technique in six months, but it takes many years of intensive study of human nature to learn to meet the multitude — not only your patients but the public in general

Courtesy is the first sign of intelligence. Professional tact and business sagacity are as necessary to a Chiropractor as the compass is to the explorer or the telescope to an astronomer. Besides the above qualifications, the student of our science if he is to succeed in practice, must strive to attain a comprehensive concept of things under his observation. 

To accomplish this he must above all else develop his ability to determine accurately the condition of his patient, whether mental or physical and to conceive to do the right thing or adjust the proper area at the right time. This is the essence of skill and the chief difference between successful and unsuccessful Chiropractors.

There is a great deal of Chiropractic improvement in the lines here indicated. We refer, for instance: There are ladies and gentlemen in our profession who are perfectly acquainted with the scientific aspects of Chiropractic and can tell you where to adjust, what to do, and how to handle every case that afflicts humanity, who nevertheless after earnest trial have failed and never achieved either reputation or practice because they lacked professional tact and business sagacity.

Everyone you come in contact with will form either a good or bad opinion. Work as though you would live forever and live as though you would die today. — E. M. Herr.
the book details :
  • Author: George Alexander Baltis
  • Publication date: 1936

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