An Italian dictionary

An Italian dictionary
An Italian dictionary -  by Alfred Hoare

from the introductory note

1. the design of this book is to meet the requirements of an English student of Italian
rather than those of an Italian student of English. The English-Italian vocabulary is merely
for the practical convenience of English-speaking people who may have occasion to speak or
write in Italian. Obsolete words have therefore been excluded from this part of the book.

2. Geographical names which differ in the two languages have been entered in alphabetical order among the ordinary words.

3. The sources drawn upon have been as follows. For marine and engineering matters
the authorities utilised are the marine and technical dictionaries of Dabovich, Guglielmotti and
Paasch, the last name of which is distinguished by a beautiful series of plates. 

The names of land animals otherwise unknown to me have been ascertained by taking the scientific names given by Bulle and Rigutini and looking these out in Baird's Cyclopaedia of Natural Science, those of birds in a similar way by comparing the scientific names in the list of birds in the Manuale del Cacciatore, one of the series published by Hoepli, with those in Morris's British Birds, those of fishes directly from Dabovich, and those of plants from the Catalogo poliglotto delle piante by the Contessa di San Giorgio. 

The bulk, however, of the volume is of course occupied with general literature, and has been compiled from Petrocchi (Dizionario universal delta lingua Italiana), Tommaseo and Bellini {Dizionario Italiano, in eight quarto volumes), Bulle and Rigutini (Italienisches-Deutsches WorterbucK), and Rigutini and Fanfani {Lingua italiana parlatd). From one or another of these, all the idioms and illustrative phrases are taken, most of them being from Petrocchi. Occasional use has also been made of most of the dictionaries enumerated in the list below.

4. Illustrations of the meaning of obsolete words are given, generally speaking, without specifying their sources, but on account of the position held by Dante in Italian literature quotations from the Divina Commedia are followed by a reference to canto and verse. References are also supplied in a few other cases when the interest or peculiarity of the word seemed to make this desirable, as in the instance of the word Capere.

5. It may be convenient to set out here the method pursued in arranging the information presented. The headword, together with any variants in its spelling and with any obsolete variants in parenthesis, is followed by m. or /. to mark its gender, when a substantive, and by a statement of its etymology in another parenthesis when this can be given with suitable brevity, as mentioned below. This is followed by an exposition of the meaning or meanings and of the principal idiomatic phrases in which the word occurs.

6. Obsolete and local words are distinguished by an asterisk and dagger respectively, and the obsolete or local meanings of words which in some senses are still in general use, as well as the corresponding idioms and phrases, are similarly distinguished and in addition are numbered in Roman numerals i, ii, iii..., the current phraseology being separated into sections with Arabic numerals i, 2, 3... 

This numbering is purely for the convenience of reference and is not intended to imply that the word in question has so many different senses. Where a word represents one or more words really different in origin the article upon it is divided into separate parts distinguished by Roman capitals A, B, C... This separation, however, is not carried into the account of the obsolete uses of a word; for instance, Granata.

the book details :
  • Author: Alfred  Hoare
  • Publication date: 1915
  • Company: Cambridge University Press

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