The fairy tales of science -PDF by John Cargill Brough

The fairy tales of science

The fairy tales of science

To place before the youthful student a compact and concise compendium of the leading and most universally important branches of Science has been my principal object in the preparation of this little volume. 

To adapt the work to the capacity of all, I have endeavoured to divest the different subjects treated in it of hard and dry technicalities and to clothe them in the more attractive garb of fairy tales a task by no means easy. 

That I have been obliged, in the composition of the work, to consult a crowd of authorities, need hardly be stated, nor will any more formal enumeration or systematic acknowledgement be expected. In the fanciful sketches which illustrate these pages, my friend Mr C. H. Bennett has most fully entered into the spirit in which I conceived the work.

 I have to tender my sincere thanks to my esteemed friend Dr G. L. Strauss, who came to my aid, at a time when severe indisposition seemed to threaten that many of these Fairy Tales of Science should remain untold.

some contents :

fairy mythology The monsters revealed by science The ancient ocean and its inhabitants The Cetiosaurus The Plesiosaurus Aspect of the country of the Dinosaurians Crocodiles Turtles The Hylaeosaurus and Megalosaurus A fearful conflict 
An uncultivated garden No trace of man The Iguanodon, a huge herbivorous monster The Pterodactyl, a flying reptile Wealden beds The stone book . . pp. 1 14

The fairy messenger Thales and the Amber Spirit Ancient explanation of lightning and meteors Man's devices for enslaving the spirit Globe of sulphur Conductors and non-conductors Electrical machines The Leyden jar How to draw the spirit from the clouds The voltaic pile Deflections of the magnetic needle The spirit employed as a courier 

The electric telegraph explained Systems of Wheatstone, Morse, Bain, and Bakewell Telegraphic wires Submarine telegraphs France and England brought within a speaking distance of each other Irish cable Atlantic cable The spirit taught to measure time Bain's electric clock The electrotype The spirit's v

book details :
  • Author:London: Griffith and Farran
  • Company:London: Griffith and Farran

  • Download The fairy tales of science  - 20 MB