A complete Hebrew-English pocket dictionary

A complete Hebrew-English pocket-dictionary
A complete Hebrew-English pocket dictionary


The present Pocket-Dictionary, containing the whole vocabulary of the Hebrew Old Testament, does not pretend to be an enrichment of Lexicography, nor is it meant to supersede a scientific Lexicon. But it will, perhaps, be welcome to beginners as a cheap and trustworthy help, and even to advanced students, who know how to avail themselves of a more copious Dictionary, as a commodious implement when there is no larger work at hand

 The transcription is given with each word, and besides in a few cases where there may arise any doubt as to the right pronunciation, is adapted to the well-known phonetic system of the Publishing Finn. It is based upon the pronunciation of the Sephardim, or Jews of Western Europe. 

Printed by G. Langenscheidt, Berlin-

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