Absolute key to occult science ( 1892) 

Absolute key to occult science

The tarot of the Bohemians. The most ancient book in the world.

    This book contains illustrations.

The Tarot pack of cards, transmitted by the Gypsies from generation to generation, is the primitive book of ancient initiation. 

This has been clearly demonstrated by Guillaume Postel, Court de Gobelin, Etteila, Eliphas Levi, and J. A. Vaillant. 

The key to its construction and application has not yet been revealed, so far as I know. I, therefore, wished to fill up this deficiency by supplying Initiates, i. e. those who are acquainted with the elements of occult science, with an accurate guide, which would assist them in the pursuit of their studies.

 The uninitiated reader will find in it the explanation of the lofty philosophy and science of ancient Egypt; whilst ladies are enabled to practice the use of the divining Tarot, by methods which we have rendered easy in Chapter XX. 

The book has been so arranged that each part forms. a complete whole, which can, if necessary, be studied separately.

Author: Papus - Gérard Anaclet Vincent Encausse, whose esoteric pseudonyms were Papus and Tau Vincent, was a French physician, hypnotist, and popularizer of occultism, who founded the modern Martinist Order.
Translated by A. P.  Morton, 

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