Wisdom, wit and whims of distinguished ancient philosophers

The most important and interesting incidents of their history, their personal manners and habits, and anecdotes op their intercourse among the high and the low, with their most remarkable apophthegms. Proverbs, and pithy replies to difficult and curious questions, alphabetically arranged.

Wisdom, wit and whims of distinguished ancient philosophers

This book contains excerpts from ancient philosophers with biographical notes for the general readers.

In preparing the present volume, the compiler availed himself of the works of various authors, the principal of which was, " The History of Philosophy from the Earliest Periods, drawn up from Brucker's Historia Critica Phiosophise, by William Enfield, LL.D;

The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, by Diogenes Laertius, translated by C. D. Yonge, B. A.;" and " Stanley's History of Philosophy and Lives of the Philosophers," neither of which has ever been published in this country. 

No attempt is made to develop the various systems of Philosophy which at different ages have prevailed, but simply to present the most interesting and important events in the history of the philosophers themselves. 

The work contains a great amount of curious and instructive information, which, hitherto, has not been accessible to the general reader.

Most of those whose memoirs are here given were authors, and many of them produced numerous works. There were also many philosophers of the same names; but in the following pages, reference has been made only to the most distinguished.

Some contents of the book:

Aeschines 13
Alcmeon .15
Al-farabi 15
Al-kendi 16
Anachaesis 17
Anaxaeohus . . . 20
Anaxagoras 21
Anxious 24
Anaximander 24
Ajsttisthenes 26
Apollonius 34
Agesilaus 40
Archytas 47"
Aristippus 48
Ariston 56
Aristotle 57
Aurelius 72
Averroes 75
Avicenna 78
Belus 80
Bias .......... 81
Bion 84
Calantjs 89
Calvisius Taurus ..... . 90
Cato. 91
Caeneades 96
Child 99
Chrysippus. .102
Giceeo 107
Cleanthes ......... 112
Oleobultjs. 115
Ceantor ......... 117
Oeates 119
Demetrius ......... 124
Demetrius of Corinth 127
Democritus 127
Demonax . . . . . . . . 130
Diogenes 132
Diogenes, the Babylonian . . . . . 158
Diagoras 158
Eddin sadi 160
Empedocles 163
Epictetus 169
Epicurus 170
Epimenides 182
Eugene, j. Scotus 185
Eubulides 186
Euclid 187
Eudoxus 189
Eusebius 189
Favoeinus 190
Ckrbeet 191
Hegesias 191
Heraolides. .192
Heraclitus . . . . . . . . 194
Hipparohia ......... 199
Hierocles. ........ 200
Hillel. 200
Hypatia 201
Julian 204
Lacydes ......... 206
Licon 207
Maximus 211
Mexedemus ......... 212
Maximus ......... 222
Huselius 223
Pittacus ......... 223
Periander 227
Pherecydes ........ 231

book details :
  • Author: Joseph Banvard
  • Publication date: 1855
  • Publisher New York, Sheldon:

  • Download 18 MB -PDF ebook 

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