Roman life in Pliny's time

Roman life in Pliny's time
Roman life in Pliny's time

The story of growth from a group of unconnected hill-top settlements upon the Tiber to a political organization with worldwide dominion seems hard to belong to sober history. Great national development has mostly come from the union of nations already existing, or from the powerful impetus contributed by parent nations to colonial stocks. 

But the Roman Empire was unique in this. It sprung from a single city which, Roman history though it extended its sway over the whole known world, never ceased to be not alone the seat of government, but the government itself. Rome was the nation. From her forum radiated to every land those military roads, the highways of commerce and dominion, that made her rule a vital thing wherever her conquering legions found their way. 

This masterful city not only absorbed all real power, but gathered up all the learning, the art, the customs and religions of the nations and made them her own; until to be a Roman came to mean to be a citizen of the world, and Roman citizenship was a coveted prize to be attained at any cost of blood or treasure dominion acquired joined for self-defence in one community, with common by gradual extension. cause and common government. Because of this union, they were able to master one by one all the isolated communities by which they were surrounded, and gradually, after many hard-fought wars, their sway extended. over Italy.

 Soon Rome had occasion to champion the cause of Italy against foreign invasions, and Carthage, her nearest and greatest rival, was subdued in three great wars. In the course of these struggles, Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica, together with Northern Africa and Spain, were added to Roman territory, the first extension of dominion beyond the bounds of Italy. In these struggles also for the first time Rome learned and the world learned that Roman arms were the match for the strongest foreign foe. 

The impetus of conquest extended next to Greece, and that proud land, which was full-grown in civilizing arts when Rome was in her infancy, became a Roman province. Still farther east the Roman boundary was pushed until it included Asia Minor, and, at least in nominal sway, vast tracts of Asia. Meanwhile, in the north and west, Gaul, Ger- many, and Britain were subdued. No land was too barren or remote to escape her notice. If its people were wealthy they attracted her greed of gain; if poor but brave, her greed of conquest.


INTRODUCTION .... ........ 9
I. EDUCATION .............. 19
III. THE ROMAN HOUSE .......... 58
IV. THE SERVANTS ............ 80
VI. THE BAR ............... 136
VII. SOCIETY ............... 151
VIII. AMUSEMENTS ............. 186
IX. TRAVELING .............. 228
AND BURIAL ............. 271

the book details :
  • Author:Maurice Pellisson
  • Translator; MAUD WILKINSON
  • Publication date:1897
  • Company: Meadville, Pa., New York: Flood and Vincent

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