The Kingdom of Happiness by J. Krishnamurti

The Kingdom of Happiness by J. Krishnamurti

Introduction by Annie Besant
1 have been asked to write a foreword to the following pages. Frankly, they do not really need it, but perhaps some sort of an explanation is required for their appearance. They are talks given to certain friends of mine at the Castle of Eerde, Ommen, Holland. 

The Castle is of the early eighteenth-century style of building, and it is supposed to be one of the best specimens of that period. It certainly is one of the most beautiful places that I know. Everything in the Castle is also of the early eighteenth century and is in perfect condition. The Gobelins are wonderful, and they give an atmosphere of ancient dignity and beauty. Great trees, two or three hun4red years ^oni, gather around the Castle, and t and there you can hear strange whisperings. 

The place is full of charm and happiness, and my talks naturally turned to that eternal subject. J. Krishnamurti, I may add to the above that the conditions described were the most favourable possible for the presence of the World Teacher’s influence. Krishnaji was surrounded by a small group of eager students, believing in his inspiration and joyously welcoming the presence of the Lord. Readers will recognize the depth of wisdom, the striking originality, the exquisite diction of this really wonderful book. The wise will prize it; the otherwise will do as they please


I. The voice of intuition 

Ii. Interest and enthusiasm. 

Iii. Personality... 

Iv. The temple of the heart 

V. The river and the ocean. 

Vi. The value of experience. 

Vii. In the company of great men 
Nil. Mind, the creator 

Ix. The altar of the world. 

X. Sacrifice at the altar 

Xi. The enchanted garden 

Xii. The eternal companion 

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